When joining a team, you have to be clear on what it is you are looking for when it comes to the type of leader that will best suit your goals.

With the Real Estate industry taking a huge turn towards teams - either becoming a big player within a team or starting and running your own. We are finding there are 2 types of team leaders: Rockstars and Guides.

๐‘๐จ๐œ๐ค๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ซ: This is a team led by someone who had an amazing start to their career and produces so much business that they donโ€™t know what to do with it. They bring on partners to give their extra business and leads to, and let them run with it from there. Most teams start like this, and typically stay that way.

๐†๐ฎ๐ข๐๐ž: This is a team that comes together and shows each new agent step-by-step how to get where they want to be. There is a proven onboarding system with training and systems in place that can be used immediately to start producing.

Most teams start with a rockstar but then realize that there needs to be a path and a process to guide and grow. Do you want to be on a team where you are solely taking leads and opportunities that the โ€œrockstarโ€ team leader canโ€™t handle OR do you prefer to be on a team led by a โ€œGuideโ€ team leader who took the time to stop and really show you how to take you from where you are to where you want to be as a solid producer?

Make sure you know the difference and ask the appropriate questions to make sure youโ€™re getting yourself exactly where you want and need to be so youโ€™re not only getting the opportunities, but CONVERTING the opportunities.