Four Things Your Hoboken Realtor Must Have In Today's Market To Make Sure The Sale Of Your Home Is Smooth, Fast, And For The Most Money

Homes By Bonk - Expert Local Hoboken Realtor

You MUST have these 4 things to be a successful Hoboken Realtor -

What are the four things your Hoboken realtor must have in today's market, to make sure the sale of your home is smooth, fast, and for the most money? That's what we're going to talk about today.

Guys, my name is Jeff Bonk with Homes by Bonk and eXp Realty here in Hoboken and I've been blessed to be able to run a local Hoboken real estate team for the last 10 years or so and we've been lucky to help over 500 families reach their real estate needs and find new homes in that time.

So we've seen a lot over the years, we know what it takes to be successful and we just want to share a little information today with what can really help when you're hiring a Hoboken real estate agent and the four things you should be looking for.

So, number one is you really, really need an agent with local experience and knowledge. If someone... The real estate transaction is very simple when it comes down to the big pieces, but the nuances change very, very, very dramatically based on single family, multi-family, condo, co-op, urban area or suburban area.

You need someone who's been there, done that, knows the local players, knows the type of lenders you need to be working with and also a well-respected in the community that other agents want to work with and know always present the property the right way.

Number two, you need someone who knows how to market and that goes well beyond just taking very good pictures and very good videos, and being able to create brochures. Someone who has a proactive marketing plan, who knows who the actual end-buyer of your home will likely be, knows how to reach them, but more importantly, proactively does that before it's even time to list your home because they're so local.

They know who they need to have in their web, in their little database, so they can then present your property to them, tomorrow, not try to find them once they get your listing if they're not in your area.

Number three, and I'm moving fast here, because I don't want them to take a lot of time. We're going to get back to some other stuff. You can come back to the website. We can talk in more detail, so moving quick.

Number three, you need someone who knows how to sell and knows how to negotiate and that sometimes can be natural. It could be something that people know how to do but what we find is as you scale a team, not everyone has that natural ability. So you need someone that has a training system, a coaching program, even possibly third party, highly, highly skilled trainers that are always in their office, on their Zooms training them and their teams, depending on how big the realtor and the team is.

Making sure they're current with really, really high level sales skills, knowing how to communicate properly, and knowing how to go to the other side and present the value proposition and show them why there may be a reason to spend more money or close quicker, or do things on your terms rather than theirs. Not natural always. Sometimes it could be but you need someone to train.

And number four, last but not least, someone who's got a really dialed in operations, either team or system. If it's a single agent, they may not have a team behind them, but they can still know what to do and how to do it and have an organized plan for it. Or in our case, we have a three person team, who does everything from executing on the marketing plan that we develop, executing paperwork, making sure the property is perfect; every box is checked when we go to list.

Making sure that it's properly placed in each place on the marketing portals and on our website and making sure that when you have questions, or there's issues, or we need to cancel an open house, someone got sick or there's an offer that came in, but we want to keep... All those little logistical details are executed perfectly and not left to the wind and just maybe when someone gets to it. So those are the four things guys.

Make sure when you're hiring a Hoboken realtor, or working at all in this Hoboken real estate market, you are looking for those four things.

If you want to talk more to us and how we're providing those aspects of the transaction to our clients, feel free to reach out. Hop over to our website. I hope this was helpful. If it was, hit the like, hit the subscribe, and we're hoping to see more of these videos in the future and reach out if you need anything at all.