What are the 2 most important things we can do right now?

If you ask me, I think they are...

1) Helping others in your community that are suffering or in need of assistance


2) Stay informed as things change (not just CNN and Fox News 24/7 but also changes going on around you in your community and in different industries that may affect you now or in the future... like real estate 😬)

For that reason, we are starting a new video series where we will be doing 2 things:

1) Highlighting local businesses and individuals who are either offering help (maybe a live streamed yoga class, deliving groceries to people who can't get out, free food to people in need) OR businesses that need help and are maybe running a special or promotion to drum up sales!


2) We will be bringing on experts in the real estate field like attorneys, lenders, inspectors, title companies and more to talk about how things are changing and what a current buyer/seller/landlord/tenant needs to know about navigating the real estate market now or in the near future. We will also be updating what we are seeing from a real estate agent standpoint as well.

So what are your questions?

Do you know a local business in need we can feature?

Do you have a local business and are offering help to others?

Are you a local person who wants to offer some type of help to the community?

Everything and anything at all can be featured in this series. The goal is to provide information and support for the community we live in and love so much.

Stay safe, stay informed, and help others around you!